Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Out of the mouths of babes...

We went to Seaside, OR last month for a vacation - it was a wonderful weekend. Brian had a slow week at work and took a few days off, and we met my parents and stayed at a local motel with a room right on the beach. It was really nice! The weather wasn't super warm, but wasn't bad either. I will post some pictures - I just haven't gotten a chance to go through them yet. Yeah, I'm slow. Sue me.

We were walking around the shops one of the days and stopped in at "The Man Store". They had lots of guy stuff - hats, knives, t shirts with slogans, you know, "man" stuff. Whatever that is.
So we're looking around, reading t shirts, and Rachel decided to read one too. It was actually the highlight of my vacation.

Just imagine my cute little 6 year old, reading the shirt slowly out loud, in her pleasant, not-too-loud-but-clearly-confident voice, without any sign of hesitation:

"Some see the glass as half empty, others see the glass as half full.
I just wonder who the hell is drinking my beer."

That's my girl.

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